Strategic Plan

The Fondazione Biblioteca Capitolare (FBC) was established in 2019 with the aim of guaranteeing the world's oldest still-operating library an efficient and dynamic management, capable of supporting yet another transformation phase and ensuring its continuity in the long term.

In order to realise its objectives of developing museum activities and relaunching research, the FBC signed an agreement with the Fondazione Museo delle Antichità Egizie di Torino, to which it entrusted the consultancy activity regarding a Master Plan from which came the development of the Piano strategico 2022-2026 

The FBC adheres to the principles set out in the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums which sets minimum standards of conduct, professional performance and performance for museums and their staff.

The FBC is part of the Management Plan of the City of Verona - UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is part of the Italian Ecclesiastical Libraries Pole, it dialogues with the MiC, the competent Superintendencies and uses the cataloguing systems made available by the National Office for Ecclesiastical Cultural Heritage and Worship Buildings of the CEI.