5 x mille

DONATE YOUR 5X1000 to the oldest library in the world still in activity!

If you also want to contribute to writing a page of our history, today you can join our supporters with a simple signature.

Enter the fiscal code of the Fondazione Biblioteca Capitolare di Verona 93287250232 in the area “Sostegno del volontariato e delle altre organizzazioni non lucrative di utilità sociale” (support for voluntary work and other socially useful non-profit organisations).
You can find it on the income tax return form – on the Modello Unico, 730 or on the form attached to the Certificazione Unica (CU) in the area “Scelta per la destinazione del Cinque per Mille dell’IRPEF” (option to allocate IRPEF Cinque per Mille).
Then append your signature.

Remember that the donation of 5×1000 does not entail any additional charge.
In fact, it represents the allocation of a portion of IRPEF that, unless otherwise specified, is automatically devolved to the State. It does not take much, but to achieve our goals, your help can make a difference!

Thank you for your support!

Fondazione Biblioteca Capitolare di Verona
Fiscal Code 93287250232